April 24, 2010

April 21, 2010

sister2 ku...jom.....


1. karoke bersame2....nyanyi lalalala......

2. pi main bowling.......(sape pin paling sikit menang....tehehehe)

3. kalau kamu sume pi berjalan2......BAWAK LA AKU SEKALI..!!!...WAAAAAAAA!!!....tau la kamu-kamu sume dah ade laki....hukhuk....sedey......

April 19, 2010

liar liar pants on fire....

We are many and you are few,
we listen to the crap you spew.
Don’t think we aren't up to speed,
on truth and lies as you deceive.
You spout out lines of twisted tales,
like politicians or car sales.
You change what we would like to hear,
while your treachery has no fear.
You are what’s wrong in every way,
no longer care ‘bout what you say.
You paint your picture so distorted,
you change the story not reported.
The words come out but do not say,
the truth behind what you portray.
You bend the facts for your own gain.
How is it that you feel no pain?
by Michael Charles Messineo
p.s : dedicated to me also bcoz i do lie too......(wink2)

April 11, 2010

weekend di rumah...

yeayy.....selonok selonok selonok sgt dapat main2 bersame mereka.....

yeee..mereke berdue mmg semangat...erk x larat sehhh

look at that bebeh......nyum2
kari ketam

gosip2 for the ladies

and bola for the gentlemn....ape2 pun nogori 9 monang dah.....hobin jang hobin!!!....

April 06, 2010


seronoknye berjalan2 dari pagi sampai ke esok paginye....wihihihih.....

first destination kat muzium TUDM sungai besi....ntah hape demam ntah teringin pulak nak pi sane.....lg pun masuk free.....hihiih

gambar penuh sopan.......agagaga

gambar kene kasi real......heeeeeee

yea yea dapat masuk.......

huhu.....poyonye saye

ade mcm stewardess tak.....keee stewardless...hahahaha

ape...ingat korang je ke nak pakai sunburn cream......air force pun pakai tau...pasai depa lg dekat dengan matahari.....ekekeke

haishhh....cantek pulak kasut aku......heeeeeeeeee

owh...penat giler bergambar kat muzium TUDM ....dah la panas terik yaaa amat...ayak lupe bawak plak tu....pastu pelawatnye kami saje....huhuh..sedey sungguh......kami pun terus bergegas dengan segera searching for refreshment @ yellow cab.......

besar giler pizza yg kitorang order....mane taknyeee..pizza yg medium size ade...tapi mulut nie asik nak yg huge size.....haaa ambik kooo....sampai tertido makan.....18" diameter pizza.....tapi sodapppppppp......but a bit pricey laa....nvm...worth it.

pas makan smpi pengsan....kami memikirkan care untuk melegakan kembali perut seperti....nyanyi2....yeay....lalalalalallala

p.s : saye sgt2 seronok.....